How to Manifest with the Real Magick of the Universe ⋆ Earth and Water

Savannah Shea Blake
5 min readJul 15, 2019

Header Image by Alice Alinari

Do you breathe in the energy of the universe with every breath?
Allowing the life force of the air to revitalize and heal you?
Do you look at the stars in awe? Tracing their shapes and entranced in their glow?
Do you become mesmerized by the garden’s growth?
Watch our children in amazement at their mere existence?
How spectacular this life is. How breathtaking that any of it exists at all.

I hope you do.
For lots of reasons.

  • It makes life more fun.
  • It makes life less dull and depressing.
  • It gives you a special type of perspective.
  • It allows you to exercise your imagination.
  • It helps you be a better grown up to kids.
  • It helps you manifest anything you want.

It helps me manifest stuff?
It helps you manifest stuff.

Lets take a look at what magick is.

Magic is something that cannot be explained. Something seemingly supernatural in our natural world.

However, it’s also quite relative, is it not? Something that cannot be explained really depends on someone’s level of education and perceptions of the world.

Magic to one person may simply be science to another.

And even the most highly educated, phenomenally intelligent, most regarded scientist cannot explain everything.

We know only a fraction of the information about the universe we live in.

Therefore, are the things we do not understand magic? in a sense, yes. Which means magic is real. Magic is science we have yet to figure out but it is also the things we do know. Is it not magical that a single cell divides and divides to create an entire being?

Open your eyes (all 3 of them)

People get so caught up in the magic that they wish they had that they bypass enjoying the magic at their disposal all together.

Sure telekinesis would be useful but empathy is as useful in a different way. So useful, in fact, that it’s an established power of the Charmed ones.
Sure seeing the future clearly would be a trip but are you even utilizing your intuition?
You have all sorts of magik powers.

You can manipulate your world and manifest all that you want. You just have to learn to master your mind.

How, you might ask?

Well, you have to practice, of course. You will figure it out instinctively if you truly seek out to explore it.

How to Manifest

  1. Believe you can.
  2. Know exactly what you want to manifest.
  3. Match your vibrations (emotions) to that which you desire.
  4. Feel great and be super happy about it.
  5. Accept it as already yours & let it go.

The key most people miss with manifesting is the letting go of attachment to the thing that is desired. We often try too hard to manifest things and by doing so, drive a wedge between us and it, preventing it’s appearance.

Let go of the need of having it. Trust that it’ll show up and that you will be guided to it. Hold your heart open and your intuition alert for instructions from the universe on getting it.

The most magical thing about this world is that we’re all connected and co creating. It won’t materialize in front of you but instead often provide hints like a treasure map written into life. Isn’t that much more fun than fabricating out of thin air?

Ask for what you want specifically and then keep your eyes open for the beginning of your quest to retrieve it.

Utilizing the magick of the universe to manifest your desires is all about your mindset.

  • Your thoughts control your mindset.
  • Your mindset controls your emotions.
  • Your emotions control your vibrations.
  • Your vibrations control your manifestations.

Avoid skepticism

A healthy amount of skepticism is great but should never be applied to yourself or powers that be. You’ve heard of “having faith”? That’s this.

The counter to all of your hard work put toward manifesting is doubt.

  • Doubt in yourself.
  • Doubt in your abilities.
  • Doubt in the universe to provide.
  • Doubt in success.

So just don’t do it. Sing with me now, “Don’t Stop Belieevviinn”

If you need a reason to keep believing besides the absolute and complete destruction of everything you’re working hard on, allow me to point out the placebo effect.

People miraculously get better from terminal illnesses all of the time. Seemingly by magic because they believe they have been given a cure which is really only water.

Enter the mind over matter concept

Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves. We just have to believe it. We have the ability to do, have or be anything in this world. We just have to believe it.

And honestly, there’s no harm in believing in possibilities for yourself but there is definite harm in not believing in possibilities for yourself.

  • Is it possible that you can be happy in life? Well sure. People all around are happy in life and if it’s possible for them, it’s possible for you.
  • Is it possible to be financially secure? Well yeah.
  • Is it possible that you could be famous? Yeah. There are famous people. Those exist.

It doesn’t matter if it seems unattainable right now from where you are. Is what you want at all possible? Most definitely probably. I mean, we can even put a horn on a horse and call it a unicorn. We can stick some pigs in a plane and say they fly.

If something is at all, in the physics of time and space possible for anyone, ever, then it is possible for you. It may not come in the form that you imagine, but it can show up in all sorts of creative ways if you’re open to the possibilities.

So even if you find it hard to believe, just keep telling yourself, “I do believe in fairies! I do, I do!”

That’s how Peter Pan taught us to fly, remember?
Think a happy thought and believe you can!

Now go on out there and conquer all of those disbelievein negative thoughts that are going to repel everything you’re working hard on! Doubt is useless and the killer of happiness.

Your Mage,

P.S. Here’s a post from the archives about what makes successful people so different from “normal” folks and how it can help you.

Ready to manifest some real magick in your life? Fill out the form on this page to claim a free session with me. We’ll find clarity in your goals and formulate a plan to call them in!

Be sure you join the Facebook group for daily mindset and chakra work!

Originally published at on July 15, 2019.



Savannah Shea Blake

S.S.Blake; Alchemy Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher ⋆ Host of podcast: Align Vibe Flow ⋆ Founder of