How to Feel Whole ⋆ Earth and Water
Most of us feel as though something is missing within us. We attempt to fill our hole with stuff and relationships. The key to feeling whole, though, doesn’t lie in someone or something else.
W e’ve become so accustomed to treating problems individually, as if our health concerns are separate from who we are and the lifestyle we live. As if our lifestyle problems such as money and relationships don’t stem directly from us, the decisions we make and how we react to life.
O ur outside world reflects our inside world. Everything in our life manifests because of something within us. We create everything around us. Through our beliefs about how the world works, our beliefs about ourselves and how we react to that which we come across in life.
W e are muti dimensional beings. We are not just a body walking around but also a brilliant mind and a magnificent soul. All three aspects make up who we are as whole people and we will never feel whole until we attend to all aspects of ourselves.
W e cannot treat the body without convincing the mind that it is what we want and embracing it with all of our soul. We cannot treat the mind if the body doesn’t want to stay still and think and the soul doesn’t want it to be. We can not treat the soul if the mind and body don’t believe it can be treated.
Embracing the Whole
Connect yourself to every aspect of who you are. Seek to improve who you are as an ENTIRE person and you will find abundance, peace and happiness in your life. The wholeness you seek.
We are made of 1000s of tiny pieces. Not only our physical, biological parts but most importantly our thoughts, desires, dreams, ambitions, ideas, talents. All clumped together from situations, circumstances and aligning stars that have come together in the most unique way to create each individual. Each one of us are completely and magnificently different from the next.
Each one of us has been through different things in life, thought different thoughts about the same things, reacted differently to similar circumstances and come out the other end unlike any other has ever been or will ever be. That’s something pretty amazingly special.
The Whole of Us
NO ONE sees the world the way you do and in this way, no one lives in the same world as you do.
As completely different as we all are, we are all the same in many ways as well. Which is magnificent on it’s own scale. We each have the same needs. To be loved and accepted, prosperous and safe. We are all made of energy, blood and breath. We are all doing the best we can with what we have available to us at any given moment.
Too much energy in this world is wasted on hate, both for others and ourselves. We spend too much time worrying over insignificant problems. Hiding and suppressing aspects of ourselves. Thirsting for acceptance from others. Starving for love and affection. Struggling with connecting to those we so desire to receive these things from.
Finding ourselves in a combative, stressful or depressive struggle. All any of us want is to be loved and accepted. To thrive in life and abundance while surrounded by those we love so vastly.
To have all of these things though, we have to look within ourselves.
We have to fully embrace ourselves as an already whole being, fully and unapologetically accept every single one of the 1000s of pieces that make us the magnificent individuals we are. Only then, can we begin to accept others as they are and not as we feel they should be.
When we dislike things within ourselves, about ourselves, we find things we dislike about others. Only when we learn to love ourselves fully, are we able to love others fully and in return, receive their love that we so deeply desire.
If we look to embrace all of our own pieces that we have suppressed in an effort to make others like and accept us, we open up a universe of possibilities in love, acceptance, abundance and connection.
We have to improve upon ourselves if we wish to improve upon our world. To make the world a more positive place, we first have to become positive influences in and of ourselves.
When we learn how to be kind to, love and accept ourselves, only then can we give love, kindness and acceptance to others and only then can we hope to receive it.
The Work to Do
Treat yourself as an entire being. You can’t hope to heal and grow only pieces of yourself and find balance. Balance is only found by fully embracing, healing and loving all of the 1000s of pieces of you.
I’ve created interactive ebooks to help you on your journey to improving your self and your life. Each one on a certain topic that will help you to explore yourself deeper. Acknowledge and love everything amazing about you and what situations and circumstances have made you into the person you are today.
Each one will teach you how to connect pieces of yourself that you never knew existed. Pieces you felt were missing but could never find. These books will help you to heal scars and understand yourself and your world better so that you may navigate it with more ease.
- Chakra Enchanter — To heal energy blocks that have been placed within you from negative situations, circumstances and people throughout your life.
- Magnificence Illuminated — To help you see your own unique beauty and brilliance so that you may learn to love yourself.
- Detox Diadem — To help you cleanse your mind, body and spirit of the toxins that are keeping them dull and clogged.
- Abundance Prospectus — To help you recognize your abundance blocks so you may receive everything you desire.
If you haven’t grabbed your free consultation yet, send me a message! This is an opportunity to explore your problems with someone and get specialized advice and guidance!
Make sure you’re in the Facebook group for daily mindset work!
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.
Originally published at on August 13, 2019.