5 Ways to Flip Into an Abundance Mindset

Savannah Shea Blake
6 min readNov 15, 2023

Going from scarcity to abundance is all mindset. It’s all about how you perceive your world. You can feel as though you have nothing if you’re comparing yourself to others or you can instead focus on what’s already presently abundant in your life. The choice is yours.

The poorest man can feel like the most abundant if he has his health, loved ones and a decent view of our earthly kingdom.

The richest man can feel as though he has nothing worth anything if he is lonely and sickly.

So it’s important to note that having an abundance mindset covers much more than money and things. When we really start looking at what matters in life, money and things are further from secondary in importance.

We often mistake our true desires with the means of getting those things. It’s not money and things that we really want. We want what we think money and things can bring us.

  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Love
  • Safety
  • Contentment
  • Purpose
  • Connection
  • Acceptance

When flipping from a scarcity to an abundance mindset, these emotions are what we are going to focus on. They’re what we truly desire.

The more we can convince ourselves that we have these emotions already, through a few simple practices, (emphasis on the “practice” part) the easier it is to stop looking at the monetary value of your bank account as a means of getting them.

Speaking Spells of Abundance

Our words are like spells cast out into the world. Our lovely subconscious wants us to be correct. Therefore, whatever we’re speaking will automatically be programed into the back of our minds to control our actions and decision making.

Likewise, the universe doesn’t differentiate between wants and unwanted circumstances. It doesn’t hear “I don’t want to get hurt” it simply hears “get hurt” and proceeds to make it happen. It speaks only in literals so make sure you’re focusing your energy and attention on what you DO WANT.

This takes practice. Our brains have negativity bias. Negative things are more enticing because historically, paying attention to negative news kept you alive and safe.

Luckily, we don’t live in such a dangerous world anymore and we have the ability to reprogram our brains and habits into something much more positive and productive.

Gratitude Exercises

Having an abundance mindset means you’re aware of all of the wonderful things already present in your life. The universe isn’t going to give us more if we’re not thankful for what we already have.

Take time every day to notice the things in your life that you’re thankful for. Note in your mind that the having of these things adds to the abundance already present and available to you.

If you have a hard time coming up with something to be thankful for, get as basic as you can.

  • Air and breathing
  • The ability to see, hear, taste, feel, smell, move, etc
  • Your health
  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Water
  • Clothes
  • Internet and the device your on (since you’re reading this)

Make “Thank you” something you say 875865876986 times a day. Replace “sorry” with “thank you” if you’re someone who apologizes all of the time for nothing.

Tell inanimate objects, plants, food, animals, everything everything thank you as you encounter it.

Stuck behind a slow car? Red lights? Delays? Tell the universe thank you for looking out for you. For example, “Thanks for delaying me so that I don’t get into that accident or so that I catch that XYZ opportunity”.

Become a chronic “Thank you”-er. When we’re noticing all of the positive in our lives, the momentum towards that abundance will grow and attract more.

Positive Thought Train

Vibrations are everything. Like attracts like and so you want to stay in the realm of positivity as often as you can as to attract more of those types of things. Reference the emotional guidance system here.

Realizing you’re in a not so great mood or mindset is the first step. And this noticing in and of itself is building neuron connections in your brain to stay more positive with less effort.

Once you realize you’re in a lower vibration, take a step back, a deep breath in and start noticing your surroundings.

  • Find a pleasant sight. Speak a loud that it’s nice.
  • Notice it’s colors and take in their beauty. Speak aloud about them.
  • Express gratitude for something.
  • Allow the natural momentum of voicing positivity about your surroundings carry you from positive thing to positive thing.

This could look like:

“That’s a nice color on that wall. So light and cheery. It looks good in contrast to the white borders. Look at that tree. It’s grown so much. Thank you tree for giving me oxygen. Wow air feels nice to breathe into my lungs. I’m glad my lungs are functional. Thank you lungs. What beautiful freckles my child has. I’m so lucky he and I are healthy.”

Reference video above for more on this.

It’s all about flipping the momentum from where you are to where you wish to be. Make a conscious effort to control the direction of your mind and emotions by choosing to notice the abundance around you.

Stop Denying Yourself

Scarcity isn’t only “not having”. It is also denying yourself things. We deny ourselves the organic food, the good perfume, the fancy sweater, the extra guac all in the name of saving a few dollars.

We avoid investing in ourselves when that investment could get us everything we desire and more. Opting for time consuming and often times insufficient DIY-ing or making do at the expense of our happiness and growth.

There comes a time when you realize you can invest time or you can invest money. When you truly know the value of each, it becomes a no brainer. Time is the only finite resource at play and we don’t get to know how much of it we have.

So stop denying yourself the special occasion whiskey or bath bomb. The fact that you’re here, breathing and reading today means that today is special. Every day we get to be alive is special. Take a chance on that love or investment.

  • What are you denying yourself right now?
  • What are you saving for a special occasion?
  • What are you skimping on?
  • What are you conserving?
  • What are you hoarding?

I wrote a blog post a while back on just this. How we spend our lives denying ourselves happiness, love and peace. Read it here.

Cultivating Abundance Through Generosity

The world is abundant. Our perception we’ve built of the world based on false beliefs is what creates the illusion of scarcity. This scarcity mindset is what has led humankind down the path of hate, greed and suffering.

When we believe that resources are finite, we fall into a mindset of “me first”. We allow fear to step in and control our actions which lead to greed and power struggles.

The earth holds plenty of resources for everyone’s needs. Not enough, though, to satiate everyone’s fear and greed.

Many of us live with more than we could ever need and yet refuse to be generous to those who are less fortunate.

Abundance is a state of energy and energy flows. The more we learn to give and care for our fellow humans with love, compassion and selflessness, the more that same energy will flow to us from other sources. Such is the nature of the law of attraction.

You must give out of kindness, though. If one gives in order to receive the flow is disrupted and the return will not be seen.

So go out and do what you can, where you can and when the opportunity arises. Strive to be a walking example of what you wish to see in the world.

  • How can you be more generous?
  • How can you give back?
  • How can you be of service?
  • What small pact can you make with yourself right now to improve your generosity and with it, your abundance mindset?



Savannah Shea Blake
Savannah Shea Blake

Written by Savannah Shea Blake

S.S.Blake; Alchemy Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher ⋆ Host of podcast: Align Vibe Flow ⋆ Founder of EarthandWater.co

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